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* Podlove Player Factory
* @param {string, dom node} selector - CSS selector or dom node
* @param {string, object} configuration - Path to JSON config or configuration object
* @returns {Promise} store - Promise returning a redux store
podlovePlayer(selector, configuration)
  • Selector can be a css selector or a dom node reference
  • An iframe as the canvas is injected into the reference, encapsulating the player
  • Configuration can be provided as a meta object or an url to the configuration json file
  • Canvas width can be defined by the template
  • Canvas height is adapted to players height

Using a selector that matches multiple elements the player will be rendered in the first matching element. The podlovePlayer returns a promise with a redux store as a result that can be used to change the player state from outside.

Example Embedding with JSON File

<div id="example"></div>
<script src="embed.js"></script>
podlovePlayer('#example', './fixtures/example.json');

Example Embedding with Meta Object

<div id="example"></div>
<script src="embed.js"></script>
podlovePlayer('#example', {
"show": {
"title": "Podlovers",
"subtitle": "Der Podlove Entwickler:innen Podcast",
"summary": "Podlove ist eine Initiative zur Verbesserung der Open Source Infrastruktur zum Podcasting. Podlove ist gleichzeitig auch ein Netzwerk an Entwickler:innen zur Diskussion von Features und Standardisierung.",
"poster": "/assets/web-player/show.png",
"link": ""
"title": "Podlove Web Player",
"subtitle": "Podlove Web Player: Motivation, Geschichte, Features, Ausblick",
"summary": "Wir holen uns Simon zur Hilfe um \u00fcber die Anf\u00e4nge des Podlove Web Player zu sprechen: Warum es ihn gibt und wie die ersten Versionen aussahen. In der zweiten H\u00e4lfte geht es tief in den Technik-Kaninchenbau: Alex erl\u00e4utert seine Motivation f\u00fcr den Neubau f\u00fcr Podlove Web Player 4 und 5. Zum Schluss besprechen wir das holprige Release des aktuellen Web Player Plugins.",
"publicationDate": "2020-08-16T11:58:58+00:00",
"duration": "01:31:18.610",
"poster": "/assets/web-player/episode.png",
"link": "",
"chapters": [
"start": "00:00:00.000",
"title": "Begr\u00fc\u00dfung",
"href": "",
"image": ""
"start": "00:00:26.196",
"title": "Simon",
"href": "",
"image": ""
"start": "00:01:56.397",
"title": "Feedback",
"href": "",
"image": ""
"start": "00:07:08.279",
"title": "Erfahrungen beim Publishen",
"href": "",
"image": ""
"start": "00:13:29.226",
"title": "Shownotes",
"href": "",
"image": ""
"start": "00:20:43.264",
"title": "Audio-Hardware",
"href": "",
"image": ""
"start": "00:22:51.183",
"title": "Podlove Web Player: Warum eigentlich?",
"href": "",
"image": ""
"start": "00:25:41.451",
"title": "Podlove Web Player 1",
"href": "",
"image": ""
"start": "00:28:16.131",
"title": "Podlove Web Player 2",
"href": "",
"image": ""
"start": "00:33:44.999",
"title": "Podlove Web Player 3",
"href": "",
"image": ""
"start": "00:44:17.011",
"title": "Podlove Web Player 4",
"href": "",
"image": ""
"start": "01:02:41.149",
"title": "Podlove UI",
"href": "",
"image": ""
"start": "01:05:50.035",
"title": "Podlove Web Player 5",
"href": "",
"image": ""
"start": "01:12:50.121",
"title": "Podlove Web Player WordPress Plugin",
"href": "",
"image": ""
"start": "01:29:23.552",
"title": "Ausblick",
"href": "",
"image": ""
"start": "01:30:49.849",
"title": "Und Tsch\u00fcss",
"href": "",
"image": ""
"audio": [
"url": "",
"size": "76976929",
"title": "MP3 Audio (mp3)",
"mimeType": "audio\/mpeg"
"files": [
"url": "",
"size": "76976929",
"title": "MP3 Audio",
"mimeType": "audio\/mpeg"
"contributors": [
"id": "1",
"name": "Alexander Heimbuch",
"avatar": "/assets/web-player/alexander-heimbuch.jpeg",
"role": {
"id": "1",
"slug": "team",
"title": "Team"
"group": {
"id": "2",
"slug": "on-air",
"title": "On Air"
"id": "2",
"name": "Michaela Lehr",
"avatar": "/assets/web-player/michaela-lehr.jpeg",
"role": {
"id": "1",
"slug": "team",
"title": "Team"
"group": {
"id": "2",
"slug": "on-air",
"title": "On Air"
"id": "3",
"name": "Eric Teubert",
"avatar": "/assets/web-player/eric-teubert.jpeg",
"role": {
"id": "1",
"slug": "team",
"title": "Team"
"group": {
"id": "2",
"slug": "on-air",
"title": "On Air"
"id": "4",
"name": "Simon",
"avatar": "/assets/web-player/simon.jpeg",
"role": {
"id": "2",
"slug": "guest",
"title": "Gast"
"group": {
"id": "2",
"slug": "on-air",
"title": "On Air"
"transcripts": "/assets/web-player/v4/transcript.json"