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Show Information

show.titleShow Title
show.subtitleShow Description
show.summaryShow Summary
show.posterShow Cover
show.linkUrl to show
show: {
title: 'Freak Show',
subtitle: 'Menschen! Technik! Sensationen!',
summary: 'Die muntere Talk Show um Leben mit Technik, das Netz und Technikkultur. Bisweilen Apple-lastig aber selten einseitig. Wir leben und lieben Technologie und reden darüber. Mit Tim, hukl, roddi, Clemens und Denis. Freak Show hieß irgendwann mal mobileMacs.',
poster: '',
link: ''

Episode Information

titleEpisode Title
subtitleEpisode Description
summaryEpisode Summary
posterEpisode Cover
publicationDateEpisode Publication Date
durationEpisode Duration
linkLink to Episode
title: 'FS171 Invasion!',
subtitle: 'LAN Planung - Kalender - Bingo - Wikipedia - Akkukalibration - Alte iPads und iPods - Find My Friends - iPhone Music Player - Apple Watch - Kommandozeile - Star Wars - Dante - Internet of Things Security - VPN',
summary: 'Wir haben eine wie wir finden abwechslungsreiche Sendung produziert, die wir Euch wie immer mit Freude bereitstellen. Während die Live-Hörer Freak-Show-Bingo spielen, greifen wir das Wikipedia-Thema der letzten Sendung auf und liefern auch noch weitere Aspekte des optimalen Star-Wars-Medienkonsums frei Haus. Dazu viel Nerderei rund um die Kommandozeile, eine Einschätzung der Perspektive der Apple Watch, ein Rant über die mangelhafte Security im Internet of Things (and Buildings) und allerlei anderer Kram. Roddi setzt dieses Mal aus, sonst Vollbesetzung.',
publicationDate: '2016-02-11T03:13:55+00:00',
poster: '',
duration: '04:15:32', // Simple time format
link: ''

Episode Chapters

startChapter Start Time in Format hh:mm:ss
titleChapter Title
hrefChapter Link URL (optional)
imageChapter Image URL (optional)

Not providing chapters will disable all chapter related functions.

chapters: [
{ start:"00:00:00", title: 'Intro'},
{ start:"00:01:39", title: 'Begrüßung'},
{ start:"00:04:58", title: 'IETF Meeting Netzwerk'},
{ start:"00:18:37", title: 'Kalender'},
{ start:"00:33:40", title: 'Freak Show Bingo', image: ''},
{ start:"00:35:37", title: 'Wikipedia', href: ''},
{ start:"01:17:26", title: 'iPhone Akkukalibration'},
{ start:"01:24:55", title: 'Alte iPads und iPod touches'},
{ start:"01:31:02", title: 'Find My Friends'},
{ start:"01:41:46", title: 'iPhone Music Player'},
{ start:"01:56:13", title: 'Apple Watch'},
{ start:"02:11:51", title: 'Kommandozeile: System Appreciation'},
{ start:"02:23:10", title: 'Sound und Design für Games'},
{ start:"02:24:59", title: 'Kommandozeile: Remote Deployment'},
{ start:"02:32:37", title: 'Kommandozeile: Man Pages'},
{ start:"02:44:31", title: 'Kommandozeile: screen vs. tmux'},
{ start:"02:58:02", title: 'Star Wars: Machete Order & Phantom Edit'},
{ start:"03:20:05", title: 'Kopfhörer-Ersatzteile'},
{ start:"03:23:39", title: 'Dante'},
{ start:"03:38:03", title: 'Dante Via'},
{ start:"03:45:33", title: 'Internet of Things Security'},
{ start:"03:56:11", title: 'That One Privacy Guy\'s VPN Comparison Chart'},
{ start:"04:10:00", title: 'Ausklang'}

Audio Files

audio: [{
url: '',
mimeType: 'audio/mp4',
size: 93260000,
title: 'Audio MP4'
}, {
url: '',
mimeType: 'audio/mp3',
size: 14665000,
title: 'Audio MP3'
}, {
url: '',
mimeType: 'audio/ogg',
size: 94400000,
title: 'Audio Ogg'
}, {
url: '',
mimeType: 'audio/opus',
size: 94400000,
title: 'Audio Opus'


reference.baseReference to webplayer base, if not provided it falls back to the current url
reference.configReference to the current configuration
reference.shareReference sharing embed endpoint
reference: {
base: '//',
config: '//',
share: '//'


theme.mainmain theme color (default: #2B8AC6)
theme.highlighthighlight theme color
theme: {
main: '#2B8AC6',
highlight: '#EC79F2'


runtime.platformPlatform (desktop,mobile), is detected by the player
runtime.languageLanguage (en,de,...), defaults to browser language
runtime: {
platform: 'desktop',
language: 'en'


contributor.nameName of contributor (e.g. speaker)
contributor.avatarAbsolute Url to contributor's avatar
 contributors: [{
id: 'tim-pritlove',
avatar: '',
name: 'Tim Pritlove'
}, {
id: 'clemens-schrimpe',
avatar: '',
name: 'Clemens Schrimpe'
}, {
id: 'hukl',
avatar: '',
name: 'hukl'
}, {
id: 'denis-ahrens',
avatar: '',
name: 'Denis Ahrens'


To enable transcripts provide a URI to the transcriptions file.


The transcriptions file contains transcripts in the following format:

"start": "00:00:43.1", // Simple Time Format
"end": "00:01:17.2", // Simple Time Format
"speaker?": "Speaker ID",
"test": "Transcribed text"


tabs.infotoggle the info tab
tabs.sharetoggle the share tab
tabs.chapterstoggle the chapters tab
tabs.audiotoggle the audio tab
tabs.downloadtoggle the download tab
  tabs: {
info: true // will expand the info tab on load

Visible Components

List of components that are visible in the player. if nothing is provided all components are visible.

showTitleHeader show title
episodeTitleHeader episode title
subtitleHeader subtitle
progressbarPlay progress
controlSteppersSteppers controls
controlChaptersChapters controls
posterPoster in Head
tabChaptersChapters Tab
tabFilesFiles Tab
tabAudioAudio Tab
tabShareShare Tab
  visibleComponents: [

Simple Time Definitions

01:35:521 hour 35 minutes 52 seconds
7:487 minutes, 48 seconds
35:12.25035 minutes, 12 seconds, 250 ms
05:12:03.55 hours, 12 minutes, 3 seconds, 500 ms
3737 seconds