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Web Player

  • [podlove-episode-web-player] displays the Podlove Web Player.
  • [podlove-episode-web-player post_id="123"] displays the Podlove Web Player for the given episode.


  • [podlove-feed-list] lists all discoverable feeds for easy subscription.

Episode Archive

  • [podlove-episode-list] lists all episodes including their episode image, publication date, title, subtitle and duration chronologically.


Use these in an episode:

  • [podlove-episode-downloads] displays downloads in a dropdown menu.
  • [podlove-episode-downloads style="buttons"] displays download buttons for all available formats.

Subscribe Button

  • [podlove-podcast-subscribe-button] displays a universal subscribe button for your Podcast.
  • format: Choose a button format, options are 'rectangle', 'square' and 'cover' (Note: 'cover' has a max size of 300px) Default: 'cover'
  • style: Choose a button style, options are 'filled', 'outline' and 'frameless'. Default: 'filled'
  • size: Size and style of the button ('small', 'medium', 'big'). All of the sizes can be combined with 'auto' to adapt the button width to the available space like this: 'big auto'. Default: 'big'
  • color: Define the color of the button. Allowed are all notations for colors that CSS can understand (keyword, rgb-hex, rgb, rgba, hsl, hsla). Please Note: It is not possible to style multiple buttons/popups on the same page differently.
  • language: 'de', 'en', 'eo', 'fi', 'fr', 'nl', 'zh' and 'ja'. Defaults to podcast language setting. If you set the buttonid to "example123", your element must have the class "podlove-subscribe-button-example123".
  • hide: Set to{% raw %}true{% endraw %} if you want to hide the default button element. Useful if you provide your own button via the{% raw %}buttonid{% endraw %} setting.
  • buttonid: Use this if you want to trigger the button by clicking an element controlled by you.
  • show: If you are using the "Shows" module, pass the show slug to create a subscribe button for that show.
[podlove-podcast-subscribe-button]              // big button with logo
[podlove-podcast-subscribe-button size="small"] // small button without logo


  • [podlove-episode-contributor-list] lists all contributors of the current episode.
  • preset: "table", "list" or "comma separated". Default: "table"
  • title: Optional table header title. Default: none
  • avatars: "yes" or "no". Display avatars. Default: "yes"
  • role: Filter lists by role. Default: "all"
  • roles: One of "yes", "no". Display role title. Default: "no"
  • group: Filter lists by group. Default: "all"
  • groups: One of "yes", "no". Display group title. Default: "no"
  • groupby: Set to "group" to get separated contributor groups. Each group has its name as heading. Only works with "table" preset.
  • donations One of "yes", "no". Display donation column. Default: "yes"
[podlove-episode-contributor-list avatars="no" role="guest"] // show only guests, but without avatar


Lists all contributors configured in Podlove > Podcast Settings > Contributors.


Lists all podcast contributors and shows related episodes.


  • [podlove-template template="Template Title"] renders a template.

All custom shortcode parameters will be accessible in the template. Example: [podlove-template template="..." customvariable="foo"]. Please read the Templates guide for more details.


title: (required) Title of template to render. autop: (optional) Wraps blocks of text in p tags. 'yes' or 'no'. Default: 'yes'