Web Player
displays the Podlove Web Player.[podlove-episode-web-player post_id="123"]
displays the Podlove Web Player for the given episode.
lists all discoverable feeds for easy subscription.
Episode Archive
lists all episodes including their episode image, publication date, title, subtitle and duration chronologically.
Use these in an episode:
displays downloads in a dropdown menu.[podlove-episode-downloads style="buttons"]
displays download buttons for all available formats.
Subscribe Button
displays a universal subscribe button for your Podcast.
- format: Choose a button format, options are 'rectangle', 'square' and 'cover' (Note: 'cover' has a max size of 300px) Default: 'cover'
- style: Choose a button style, options are 'filled', 'outline' and 'frameless'. Default: 'filled'
- size: Size and style of the button ('small', 'medium', 'big'). All of the sizes can be combined with 'auto' to adapt the button width to the available space like this: 'big auto'. Default: 'big'
- color: Define the color of the button. Allowed are all notations for colors that CSS can understand (keyword, rgb-hex, rgb, rgba, hsl, hsla). Please Note: It is not possible to style multiple buttons/popups on the same page differently.
- language: 'de', 'en', 'eo', 'fi', 'fr', 'nl', 'zh' and 'ja'. Defaults to podcast language setting. If you set the buttonid to "example123", your element must have the class "podlove-subscribe-button-example123".
- hide: Set to
{% raw %}true{% endraw %}
if you want to hide the default button element. Useful if you provide your own button via the{% raw %}buttonid{% endraw %}
setting. - buttonid: Use this if you want to trigger the button by clicking an element controlled by you.
- show: If you are using the "Shows" module, pass the show slug to create a subscribe button for that show.
[podlove-podcast-subscribe-button] // big button with logo
[podlove-podcast-subscribe-button size="small"] // small button without logo
lists all contributors of the current episode.
- preset: "table", "list" or "comma separated". Default: "table"
- title: Optional table header title. Default: none
- avatars: "yes" or "no". Display avatars. Default: "yes"
- role: Filter lists by role. Default: "all"
- roles: One of "yes", "no". Display role title. Default: "no"
- group: Filter lists by group. Default: "all"
- groups: One of "yes", "no". Display group title. Default: "no"
- groupby: Set to "group" to get separated contributor groups. Each group has its name as heading. Only works with "table" preset.
- donations One of "yes", "no". Display donation column. Default: "yes"
[podlove-episode-contributor-list avatars="no" role="guest"] // show only guests, but without avatar
Lists all contributors configured in Podlove > Podcast Settings > Contributors
Lists all podcast contributors and shows related episodes.
[podlove-template template="Template Title"]
renders a template.
All custom shortcode parameters will be accessible in the template. Example: [podlove-template template="..." customvariable="foo"]
. Please read the Templates guide for more details.
title: (required) Title of template to render. autop: (optional) Wraps blocks of text in p tags. 'yes' or 'no'. Default: 'yes'